Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Feeling crazy?

The last few weeks have been really hectic for me, mostly due to a certain child~ I won't mention names, but he's been the one not listening, pooping in his pants, yelling at me to get him what he needs, pushing his baby sister over, escaping out the front door of the store while I'm checking out, and lots of other nutty stuff that just takes me to my absolute limit of frustration and patience. I found this blog called Power of Moms that has lots of great resources. It has a great question/answer section about frustration that gave me some new ideas.

So, if you are feeling a bit crazy like me, check it out and let me know if any of the tips are working for you or if you have any ideas of your own to share. Boy do I need some ideas right now!


1 comment:

the monroe family said...

I think every Mom has those "can anyone relate to me right now…or is my child the only one who______. For example, last week I pick up Reid, pick up E, get home, play outside for 20 minutes, start making dinner, and I notice Reid is squatting, so I go to get a diaper & wipes and when I come back he has a handful of #2 in his hands like telling me "Look Mom change me." I gasp, Ethan asks like he is going to throw up, and Reid places his #2 hand on his head (all over his hair).AWESOME! I take him, wipe him up the best I can, and put him in the tub. I go out to check if any #2 is anywhere else… can't find it and squish…all over my bare feet. I start laughing. I tell myself the phrase I always say when I think I can't do it…"EMBRACE THE JOURNEY." I run for my camera and take photos of my Reid in the tub b/c even though it is crazy, you want to scream, cry, and hid sometimes it is your special journey that is no one elses :).
I have used this phrase since having my boys. I am very blessed to have them in my life. I often think of my Aunt who lost her life to Leukemia (only after being diagnosed 8 weeks before). At the the time she had a 3 year old, 5 year old, & 6 year old and she herself was only 37. Her girls miss her so much. They are great girls, but they fight, break bones, get sick, etc. and my Aunt doesn't get to be there to see those (silly as they may be) events. She is watching over them, but she doesn't get to embrace the journey like I get too.
Some days are harder that others. Normally on the harder days, I will throw homework out the window for an hour or two (gasp I know…how could a teacher say that) and declare a random ice cream trip. The kids love it…get instantly happy, and I'm rewarded with a treat too. Or…sometimes (during the summer) when the boys are being crazy we will go outside and I will start a water fight and it oh so much fun and releases any anger that may have been working up inside of me :).
I would love to hear all your tricks & or phrases that work for you too.
I just realized I wrote a novel...sorry :)