Monday, June 27, 2011

Balancing the changes

Sorry, I didn't realize its been so long since my last post! I've been staying busy working out, playing volleyball again, couponing, crafting, and doing lots of other fun stuff with the kids.

My latest concerns with staying healthy both have to do with Balancing the Changes...

How do I fit in exercise with all 4 kids home from school and so many fun vacations planned? There is no way I am paying $12 each time I go to the gym so my kids can be babysat there or paying the $80 monthy fee it would cost to have them all enrolled in the unlimited babysitting! I've gotta figure out a way to fit it in, so I may be trying to do a few laps at the pool or do some extra squats while I fix meals. Should be interesting :)

My bad knee is starting to bother me a bit. If you don't know, I tore my ACL completely my senior year of high school. I walked on it for a year instead of having the surgery right away (this was the only way I was going to be able to go to the college of choice). So, I ruined a lot of cartlidge along the way. The doctor told me I would never be able to run again. I feel blessed that I can do as much as I can exercise wise. Recently I wanted to slim down, so I've been taking lots of kickboxing and other cardio type classes (which totally work)~ I think this is starting to irritate my knee a bit. So, that is my other dilema, how to I choose between staying fit and putting too much strain on my knee.

So, those are my thoughts for the day. I know I need to take care of my body, and I want to, but as a mom of 4 it isn't always easy. I'm going to work on finding a new balance for the next 2 months and figure this out.

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