Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Meet our winner!

This is me Joanna~starting on January 17th some of us mommies began our 4 week exercise challenge. It was three fold- picture of self, adding some exercise to your life, and recording everything that went into your mouth into a food journal. This challenge changed the way I have felt about myself, the way I think about food, and its given me a renewed sense of energy as well. The quote on the right side of my blog is a new favorite of mine. Check it out if you feel that you failed at this exercise challenge or any other goals your have set for yourself!
With love, Joanna

Mid-challenge I decided to contact Subway to see if our blog could donate a prize to a person who was willing to share their story with us, and they agreed.

Subway was kind enough to donate $25 to our winner, and our winner is...........


Caroline's story was a little different than you would expect from this challenge, so I thought it would be a good one to share. Every one's lives are so different: some moms work/some are home, some have a gym pass/some do not, some have 1 child/ some have more than they can fit on one hand. I loved that Caroline shared her struggles, but didn't use that as an excuse and changed what she could. So here's her self-narrative of her 4 week challenge.

"My 4 week challenge was not what I had hoped it would be, but not a total loss either. Getting time to work out has proven near impossible.

My husband is rarely ever home to spell me from the kids (he works MINIMUM 12 hour days, usually more), I watch my grandmother with Alzheimer's/ dementia during the day so it's not like I can take grandma for a jog or have her watch the kids for 30 minutes so I can exercise. I can't afford a gym membership, and I've got a lovely hernia from having my 2 babies so I can only push my double stroller for limited amounts of time. I feel blocked at every angle.

Despite having road blocks, I did what I COULD do, which was fix my eating habits. I cut down the amount I was eating. I cut out white sugar and ended my love affair with hot chocolate. I added more salads and chose better snacks like almonds and raisins.

Even without exercising, I was still able to lose 8 lbs. over the last 4 weeks. It has shown me just how out of whack my eating was. I'm hoping to find some way that I can get exercise in, but I haven't come up with something that works yet. I'm not giving up though!"
Thanks, Caroline

Thank you to Caroline for sharing your story with us. I'm sure you have inspired many to overcome their challenges and do what they can personally to become a healthier mom for themselves and for their families.

Subway wanted me to share with all of you that their specials this month are....

Throughout the month of February, SUBWAY® restaurants will be celebrating their fourth year of the $5 FOOTLONG™ with "FebruANY"! For a limited time, customers have the opportunity to purchase ANY regular FOOTLONG™ sub for only five dollars until the end of February.

Also, check out their

Biggest Loser Workout Mix

Get your heart pumping by downloading a free workout mix from The Biggest Loser and SUBWAY! A perfect way to help start the day right. '

Thank you to SUBWAY for your donation!!!!

1 comment:

Bladh Familia said...

Thank you for putting this together Joanna. I feel like it really motivated me to work out more. It's been hard. I'm so close to my goal weight, it's true what they say... The last 10 pounds are the hardest!!!