Monday, February 21, 2011

The never ending task

This week I decided to post about something that has recently changed my life, and the flow of everything in my household. Its something that can simply control you and take over your life~ especially if you are a mommy! Its something that can drive you insane because you can never quite complete it! It seems to multiply all by itself and can become so overwhelming that it drains all your energy right out! What is it?


The dreaded word used to just make me cringe until I took a smart mom's advice and tried laundry day! I never liked the idea of taking a whole day out of my week to complete the task of laundry from start to finish, but I decided to try something new and this something new is a keeper for me. I decided on 2 days a week that would be designated as "laundry days," and those are the ONLY 2 DAYS A WEEK that I wash, dry, fold, and put away laundry! The other days I let it pile up and don't worry about washing. This doesn't mean that I can't go anywhere, but it does mean that every time I come home I have to rotate so its all gets through or it must wait until the next laundry day.

This week's challenge is to designate a day or 2 out of the week (depending on the volume of laundry and people in your home) to be "laundry day." If you already have a laundry day the the challenge this week is to try something new in your routine that others have suggested but you just haven't given it a chance. You may be surprised by what you find~ just as I was surprised to find my new love for "laundry days!"


Danielle said...

That's so funny! I just posted about laundry on my blog last night. I, too, have found a routine that works for me- and I love it!

Joanna said...

That's so funny Danielle.