Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fun with counting :)

I've absolutely been loving testing out my new new mother's day present! Most women wouldn't be excited for their husband to them anything to do with exercise for a gift. Usually that would be an insult right? Not for me! My hubby listened up and surprised me by getting me the New Balance heart rate/calorie counting watch that I have been wanting for a few months now. Its making working out more fun and making me work a little harder at the gym to see what the results are calorie wise.

So far I've logged in 4 of my normal morning workoutsand one day out with the kids and here are the results:

24 Lift (50 minute weight class) 250 calories
I was a little disappointed at first, but strengthening those muscles is just as important as the calorie burn. A balance of weights and cardio is important to being healthy.

Turbo Kick (I was 10 minutes late and had to leave once to change a poopy diaper), so about a 40 minute workout burned 375 calories~ pretty good eh?

Turbo Kick (full class) 450 calorie~ even better!

Step Class (full class) 385 calories

3 hours at the Zoo- 690 calories This was at the L.A. zoo pushing a double stroller up the hilly pathway, picking up kids, and all the other stuff that goes with a day at the zoo with 2 kids :)

Its fun seeing the #s and how the classes compare to just running on the treadmill. I love exercising. I see the results in the mirror, and also in the way I feel. Anything that makes me feel better about myself makes for a good mother's day present. Good job to my hubby for a great gift!

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