Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Healing Medicine

Thought I'd share for those of you who are still reading this blog. This weekend was just one of those weekends. Too little exercise, too many sweets, and a sicky hubby to take care of.
When monday rolled around, I had all 4 kiddos home (spring break), and a sick hubby to take care of. We also have lots of fun plans on the calendar for the entire week, so I knew I wouldn't be making it to the gym much. I just didn't feel good because I hadn't gotten that dose of exercise my body is used to and just craves now. So, instead of making it to our planned parkday right on time I decided to hit the gym hard and I feel sooooo much better!
Exercise to me is a type of healing medicine that only costs time~so worth it!!! Makes my mind more clear, my body healthier, my attitude positive, and helps me enjoy the moments with my family so much more.
So, next time you are having a bad day think about what you are needing, perhaps your answer will be the same as mine was today :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Joanna- that is so funny you posted this! I went to the gym for the same reason this morning- I just needed some time for me. And then- a day that had started off really bad, was all better! Yeah! I saw your car there- you must have been doing a class. Hope the rest of your week goes well. :-)