Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ups and downs of Motherhood

Last week one of my friends told me that the DI Pod was at one of the church buildings here in our city. If you don't know what a DI Pod is, its like a donation box to bring you old used items to. The items are distributed to all different places~including shipped across seas to countries in need. Anyway, this got my mind going crazy. When the DI Pod is in town I always try to clean out a drawer, the toy box, or a closet. My closet was the lucky draw this time. I have had 4 children over the last 8 years, so all different sizes and styles of clothes can be found in my closet. My husband never believes me that I have nothing to wear because of the pure bulk of clothes, so I decided it was time. After I do all the laundry I can hardly find an empty hanger to put the clean clothes on!

Step #1: I started by emptying out all the clothes that don't fit~ including a few maternity pieces that were missed, some tops I bought simply for nursing, and lots of older pants and shorts that are just huge on me. I found some that I used to wear back in college~ so disturbing! Why was I holding onto this stuff? I have the pictures that prove I gained the freshman 15, (so maybe it was 20)~ why do I need the pants? If you've lost some weight and don't want to go back to that size ever, then get rid of the clothes!!! (If you are still having children then put it away in a box, don't keep them in your closet).

Step #2: Once I rid of those I went onto those things I haven't worn in years and that are way outdated and I would never want to be caught dead wearing them! Seriously, I don't plan on being the mom that wears the same dress in family pics 15 years later by accident!

Step #3: Next, I went onto a few shirts that have mommy stains and I never wear because of the stain I was never able to get off. Sad, some of them were only worn once or twice, but that's what happens when we are mom's right? The price we pay :)

After all the sifting and organizing my closet looks much better and I can find the things that I like to wear much quicker. It feels good to walk into a clean organized space where I have only those items I enjoy wearing and not the ones that remind me of times when I was unhappy with my body image. It felt great! So if you haven't cleaned out that closet in a while, give it a whirl. Good luck!

1 comment:

Anthony and Lindsay Dayton said...

I totally did this when we moved from one house to another. I didnt want to take all that extra junk into the next house. I needed a clean start only to realize I had pretty much emptied my closet so over the last 4 months or so I've worked on replacing huge and over-sized out dated clothes (I found my high school sweat shirt...disturbing) and replacing it with a brand new closet of clothes for the Mommy on the go...It is always a huge relief to open my closet and not go threw 80 shirts just to find one that fits right!

What an improvement in my daily ritual of dressing it was...I LOVE IT!