Friday, March 11, 2011

Jean Shopping

You know when you go to the store and try on two different sizes of pants, and usually its the bigger one that fits? Today I fit into the smaller size, the size I haven't hung in my closet since high school! Amazing feeling! Working out and making small changes to my diet is really paying off! I feel awesome! Thanks everyone for helping to keep me motivated. Your little success stories and words of praise have really inspired me. Keep them coming!

Oh, and I thought I'd share that I got in contact with my special lunch date and we are hoping to get together really soon. I'm excited to learn more about this person and spend some time together just hanging out and getting to know each other~ I am super excited!!!

I am planning to post my next challenge on Sunday. Its one I've been working on doing better at, and its really changed my feeling about life in general. Thanks everyone for taking on these small challenges with me and making small improvements to ourselves along the way :) You deserve to do something for yourself every once in a while.


Bladh Familia said...

size 6??? dang girl u go!! thats amazing!! i was a size 6 in freshman year i think haha!

Joanna said...

Me too! Not sure if I'll still fit in them after this weekend, didn't do so well with all the parties going on :) Its great to have them in my closet to have as a goal to stay fitting in!
Oh yeah- I haven't been that size for a loooooooong time either! Its crazy!