Monday, March 7, 2011

Do you feel it? Added Challenge

Last week's challenge was to refocus efforts of those things that are most important in your life. As I took on this challenge I found myself spending less time on the computer and more time playing with my children, spending quality time with my friends, reconnecting with a few of my family members who I had become out of touch with, taking care of my home, and of course a date night with the hubby was on the to do list.
I also thought about the blessings I have in my life. I felt reconnected to God as well and felt his presence in my life. I know that God can direct us if we take the time to listen. As I pondered I realized that in my last post where I wrote about my trip to San Diego and visiting my Grandmother and cousins, God had directed me there. It was a very impromptu trip, which usually I am more of a planner, and in the end there was a distinct purpose for me being there. I really believe that it was no coincidence, and that God had a hand in it.

I have been thinking about other ideas for this weeks challenge. Some good ones popped into my mind, but I still have a few unfinished things that have to do with last week's challenge. I'm hoping I'm not the only one, so I want to challenge you again to focus your efforts this week again toward those things on your personal "importance" list and add one more part to it.

Challenge: Write a note or have lunch with someone in your life who you care about and would like to develop a closer relationship with. I already have someone on my mind, so I'm hoping I can set up something very soon.

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