Thursday, March 17, 2011


Sorry for being lazy on keeping up with the blog. Guess life happens~ keeping up with 4 kids, house, homework/projects, laundry, exercise, church stuff, etc. is not easy!

Two great things have happened this week that I want to share.

#1 Has to do with exercise. I have been continuing to go to the gym, and I got a friend to join me this week which was really fun and exciting (thanks Linds)! Also, on Tuesday before our normal "park day" my friend and I went to the park an hour early and worked out while our kids played. When all the other fun gals got there we explained why we were sweaty and in our work out clothes- they were sad they missed the exercise, so we decided to do an exercise/park day today and it went really well. Instead of sitting around munching on our kids goldfish and other miscellaneous crackers we worked our booties off~ it was awesome. Sounds like its a new weekly routine, so I'm really excited about it! Moral of the story, share a workout with a friend~it makes it so much more fun and enjoyable!

#2 I have a fun lunch date set up with a family member who I have let slide through the cracks somehow and never really gotten to know much about. I'm looking forward to it :) I hope we can become better friends and understand eachother a little better.

So, that's my weekly wrap up. What good things have you made happen this week?

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