Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good and the Bad

Why does it have to be so dang fun to hang out with friends and bake and eat treats? Yesterday I had a friend over and we made some delicious cinnamon rolls. Luckily I sent half of them home with her, but man those things were too good to pass on! I only sat down and ate one, but between all the little tastes here and there of pure goodness sitting on my counter I probably ate 3 of those yummy suckers! They are usually a once a year splurge, but she wanted to learn how to make them ever since I brought them to her at Christmas time, so I made an exception to my once a year rule.

Treats are my downfall for sure! I have learned that the easiest way for me to deal with treats is to avoid them completely~once I have a taste I have a hard time stopping at just 1, or maybe 2, or possibly 3! Why does the unhealthy stuff have to taste so dang good? Why can't a cinnamon roll be the recommended breakfast instead of oatmeal?

What's your favorite "healthy" treat that tastes too good to be considered "healthy," but it really is?


Bladh Familia said...

Dark Chocolate!! mmmmmhmmm good

the monroe family said...

My favorite "treat" that is healthy is granola with fat free is very yummy