Saturday, February 26, 2011

Laundry Challenge

Did anyone try the laundry challenge? How did it go? Do you think its something you may continue? You may have to tweek it a bit to make it work for you, but I encourage you to keep at it a few more weeks before you see how it can change your life :) Let us in on what works for you so we can all learn from each other. Thanks!

I know some of you already had your laundry routine all figured out, high fives to you. I think my years of completing my education put me a little behind on some of these things, so please forgive me if some of these challenges are things you have already mastered in the last few years! Also, I applaud those of you who have learned to manage being a working mom and take care of your children and home~I'm not sure of how you do that! My house looked like an absolute bomb the times that I was attending classes to finish my degree, and home cooked meals were a rare finding (mostly lots of frozen foods).

Next week's challenge should be posted by tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled.

Hints: Its something I've been working on for the last few months, and when I do it my children generally get a much happier mommy and I am able to get so much more accomplished. Its something we all want and need. Finally, its something we are often deprived of as mothers~ especially mommies with very young children and teenagers :)

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