Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Inspiration from Jennie

One reader of my blog emailed me and let me know that she had been working on becoming a healthier mommy ever since I posed the challenge in January. I was excited that she was willing to share her story with us.

"My name is Jennie Burke and in January I took Joanna's challenge on to get more fit and healthy. I started out walking 5 days a week for about 30 minutes. Over the course of the 4 weeks I was able to start jogging about 2.5 miles in the 30 minutes. After the 4 weeks was over I continued to jog/slow run about 3 times a week. Well in early March an opportunity came up for me to run in the Southern California Ragnar Relay. Ragnar Relays are an overnight race where you and 11 of your team mates run for 200 plus miles. My husband and sister in law had run one previously and their new team needed a runner and they asked me to join. I was only running about 2 to 3 miles so taking on something like this was really overwhelming for me. But I used Joanna's positive thinking and decided to join. So in April I ran 12.5 miles of the 200.9 mile race. From January to April I lost 35 pounds. It was incredible, the way I pushed my body and did things I didn't think I could do was so amazing. The challenge really changed my life for the better. I am still not as healthy as I would like to be I have a lot more weight to lose but I am on the right path and I am definitely more active than I have been since high school. Which really feels amazing. We have signed up to run another Ragnar in September which is so exciting and will help keep me motivated. Trust me I am living proof that if you set your mind to something you can definitely do it no matter what the stands in the way. "

Thank you so much Jennie for being an inspiration. We all start at different points. I love that you took on something challenging and were able to share that experience with your husband. Good luck in your continued goals toward health and fitness. Please share with us again~ we'd love to have an update again in a few months!

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