Saturday, May 28, 2011

Zumba and Treadmill

I wore my calorie counting watch on Friday to the gym and these are the #s

Zumba (50 minutes)- 300 calories

Treadmill (17 minutes running)- 170 calories. Thought I'd note that even after putting in my age and weight into the treadmill the calories said that I had burned 250 calories, so my watch proved I burn less than the "average" person. Keep that in mind when you are using the machines. Its all based on averages, so everyone's body is a little different. If you are trying to be exact on your calorie intake/exercise than you may want to get something more accurate instead of counting on the averages being correct for your body.

I'm going to have the hit the gym hard next week after all the celebrating we've been doing. Since Thursday its been fun around here celebrating my hubby's 31st birthday and enjoying time with family this Memorial day weekend. It will continue until Monday~then the next couple weeks I will work on whipping myself back into shape to burn off all the yummy food and dessert that I've been eating. YIKES! I may need some extra motivation, who's with me?

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