Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sleep and Weight Loss

A mother's life and sleep. At park days with other new mommies the questions about sleep always pop up. Is your child a good sleeper? What kind of sleep routine do you have them on? Etc... Another common subject is about weight. How did you lose that baby weight so fast? How do I get my waistline to go down? Or, I just can't seem to lose that last 5-10 lbs no matter what I do!

In the last few months I've been focusing on how to become healthier in several areas. Two of my main goals have been to get to sleep earlier and to have a continuous exercise routine. Funny, I've never thought of these two as related. I just thought getting more sleep would help me be less of a grouch each morning (which it does most mornings :).

As I stepped on the scale a few mornings ago I thought, how in the world is my weight still going down? I haven't changed anything in my eating pattern or exercise routine to cause that amount of calorie difference. Then I thought, the only thing in my daily routine that I have changed is my sleep pattern. So I wondered, could this "earlier to sleep, earlier to rise" sleep change be effecting my weight loss?

After some research online I found that my prediction is likely to be correct. No wonder it is so hard to lose those last 5-10 pounds once children enter your life! Sleep is hard to come by in those first months. Sometimes we must sacrifice time to ourselves in the evening and just shut our eyes.

My challenge to you mommies is to try to fit a little more sleep into your night. I know its not easy (especially if you have new babies or teenagers). Give it a try and let me know if you see the same effects I have seen in the last 2 months. If nothing else, maybe you will be a little slower to snap at your hubbies or children in the morning.


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