Saturday, January 15, 2011

Challenge #1

4 weeks of exercise/food journal
(Start date: Monday January 17th)

As I was wasting time on the Internet last week during the baby’s nap time and wishing I could be at the gym kicking my own bootie with some zumba, kickboxing, or a body pump class I fell upon this challenge and it gave me the idea to invite some of my mommy friends to work together on improving our health.
So, this week I sent out the note to some of my friends and started this blog, which will be a place to be challenged and to lend support to one another. This first challenge is an exercise. Exercise is a habit, and once it becomes part of your life it is easier to find the time, drive and energy to just do it!!!
So here's the challenge you've been waiting for!
Part 1
Take a before picture of yourself in a swimsuit or something else tight enough that you will be able to tell if your body has changed.

Part 2

You don’t have to buy the video or spend any money to get a gym pass. You can do whatever form of cardio exercise (aka the huff and puff type of exercise) you want, and do it diligently 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes! I find that when I take more than a day off then I lose interest and feel like I am starting over, which is the hardest part!
The website gives 2 very good workout ideas that you can do in your home (listed below), but feel free to implement and share your own ideas. One woman that my sister knows lost 100 pounds just by walking briskly around in her house!!! Please share successes and hardships and let’s work together on applauding and helping on another. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you are struggling, and don’t feel prideful if you want to boast that you were able to get through 2 hours of classes at the gym or ran your first mile without stopping!
Finally, make it fun and find ways to exercise that you enjoy otherwise, you won't be consistent.
Part 3
Keep a food journal! Write down everything! I’m not asking you to cut your calories at all or starve yourself, but simply to keep track of what you are eating.

2 Workout options
Cardio Option A 1 minute of each:1. Half speed squats: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, squat halfway down (not to 90 degrees).Goal: 35-40 reps in one minute2. Jumping Jack crosses: Old school jumping jacks, but crossing your feet one in front of the other as you jump in.Goal: 35-40 reps3. Lateral ski: Stand with your weight on one leg, jump 2 feet to the side so your weight is now on the other leg.Goal: 60 reps4. Side squats: Stand with feet together. Step 1 ½ feet to the side into a squat. Bring leg back to center stand and repeat on other side.Goal: 30 reps5. Mountain climbers: Get in a plank position and bring one knee towards your belly button, switch.Goal: 70-80 reps Repeat 1-5, 4x (total=20 minutes)
Cardio Option B 1 minute of each:1. Half Speed Squats: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, squat halfway down (not to 90 degrees).Goal: 50 reps in one minute2. Burpees: From standing position crouch down so your hands are on the floor, jump your feet back so you are in a plank position, jump your feet back into crouch position and stand up.Goal: 15-20 reps3. Lateral Ski: Stand with your weight on one leg, jump 2 feet to the side so your weight is now on the other leg.Goal: 80 reps4. Rotating Squat Jumps: Perform a squat. Jump out of the squat and into another squat facing the other direction (180 degree turn in air).Goal: 30 reps5. Mountain climbers: Get in a plank position and bring one knee towards your belly button, switch.Goal: 80-90 reps6. Plank Twisters: Start in a plank position. Bring your right knee towards your left hip bone. As your right leg straightens your left knee should come towards your right hip bone.Goal: 60-70 reps Repeat 1-6, 4x (total 24 minutes)


Anonymous said...

Joanna~ I couldn't help but think back to our days of warm-ups before Volleyball practice... Man I was in such better shape then! LOL
I have been saying that I don't know where I will find time to exercise because sleep seems so precious these days. However Friday morning I couldn't go back to sleep after the baby went back down, but it wasn't really time to get ready for school. So I popped in my workout with Kendra DVD and exercised for 30 mins! :)
Oh boy am I out of shape!!!

Joanna said...

Good job Annette- we've all gotta start somewhere! Remember-10 minutes, 3 times a day can be just as effective as 30 minutes straight.
Yesterday morning I did a short 10 minute video. Then in the afternoon my son and I did 10 minutes of pushups and a few other exercises. Then in the evening I did some squats and lunges while playing peek-a-boo with my baby London in her room. Seriously, there are gonna be days that you just don't feel like you can fit it in, but think of it in sets of 10 minutes and it seems much easier.

Kristin said...

Hey Joanna, I'm so ready to try to find the time for this. For those that have an iPhone there's a free ap called Nike training club and it has some great workouts with a voiced personal trainer. It's really cool! I'm ready to lose my 40lbs of baby weight!

Joanna said...

I'm so glad that I've got some mommies to take on the challenge! I even got my hubby to let me take a before picture of him and told him about it so he can help me too :)
Don't be afraid to ask your spouse or boyfriend to take on the challenge with you so you can keep an eye on and motivate one another.

Kristin said...

So I ate great today and walked the mall, but didn't get to do a real 30 minutes of exercise even though I didn't sit down all day. So tomorrow morning I'll be out walking with Irelyn!

Joanna said...

Keep up the healthy choices, and get in that 30 minutes. Break a sweat- it feels so good! My sis and I were dripping today at the gym- when I went to pick up Hudson from "kids club" he said, "Mommy you're sweaty." That made me smile :)