Friday, January 28, 2011

Positive Thought Challenge! 1 week!!!

Its been so fun hearing from some of you through email, Facebook messages, and through this blog. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one out there who faces struggles in trying to find the time and energy for myself amongst being a wife, mother, friend, cook, teacher, etc... Its been so nice to have the encouragement and reassurance that I'm not alone, and I hope you feel the same way.

This week in finding the time to take care of my body, I have found a nicer balance and surprisingly feel better about so many things. The body and mind are definitely connected as one of the inspirational quotes said this week, "Exercise is good for your mind, body, and soul." Exercise has helped me think more positively about myself, which has in turn made me be a better mother and wife.

This week I want to encourage each of you to continue to try to fit in that 5 days of exercise, and also with a new challenge! This week I want you to make an extra effort to be positive. Speak positively about yourself, those around you, and see how it makes you feel. Let your outlet to aggression be your exercise. Go take a kickboxing class or pull out that Taebo video instead of taking it out on those around you or pulling out that bowl of ice cream (you know we've all done that!).

See how 7 days of Positive thoughts changes your week!


Anthony and Lindsay Dayton said...

I definitely need this challenge! I find myself more stressed and on edge now that Madison is here and not in my belly. The last 8 weeks have been an emotional roller coaster and I have to admit there have been times where others have become victims of my emotions. This week its time to change that from now here goes

Joanna said...

One of the biggest things for me is surrounding myself with positive people! Good luck Lindsay- I know that time with your first newborn is one of the most emotionally challenging times. Think positive, think positive,....