Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who's with me?

What am I? I am MOM!!! I feel so blessed to be a mother of 4 wonderful children, but the balance can be difficult sometimes. Its a constant struggle working to find time, energy, and drive to work on myself and become a better woman. Sometimes those three things are far and in between when I am doing the "mother shuffle." This blog is intended to help mothers realize that taking care of themselves is important and to support each other in the effort-because quite frankly, our little children and husbands just don't always understand quite as well as other mothers!

Motherhood has so many different difficult seasons:
*Perhaps you have just had your first child, you may be lonely or confused and need tips on how to find someone to talk to just to ease your loneliness and also one to talk to about new questions and fears that you seem to be stumbling upon on a daily basis.
*Or maybe you are the mother of two who needs tips on how to keep your toddler from killing your newborn! You may be a mother of a teenager and you aren't sure how to react to their new found desire of independence or what to do when they came home with a new piercing (maybe one of those nose or tongue ones?).
*Or maybe you just want a support group to help drive you to lose some of that weight you blamed on the baby, but really you were the one eating the late night bowls of ice cream and didn't mind taking thirds of that baby shower cake.
Whatever struggles you are having, this blog is for you. Sporadically I will give challenges that we can all support and comment on together. The goal is to work as a team of mothers to become healthier, more balanced moms.

My first challenge will start on January 24th and go for 4 weeks. It is a physical challenge, so if you've been slacking a bit in the exercise department and want other supporters to help you on your way to a trimmer, happier, healthier mommy, then this one is for you!!!! I'll post the details this weekend, so stay tuned!


Jennifer said...

sounds awesome!!!!

Rachel Garces said...

I'm in Joanna. This sounds wonderful.