Monday, February 28, 2011

What is dear to your heart?

Sorry I neglected to post yesterday. I had a spur of the moment trip and headed down to see my Grandma who is in a rehabilitation center a couple hours away. On the way home I stopped by my Aunt and Uncle's home to help comfort my cousins who had a horrific thing happen in their family that morning. Their uncle (who was high on drugs) nearly beat their Grandma to death and is now in jail on charges for attempted murder. I feel blessed that I could be there for them just a little bit, and as I hugged them and cried with them I was reminded of the important things in life. My trip yesterday reminded of those things that I hold closest to my heart, which for me are my faith, God, and family.

I had planned on a different challenge, but for this week my challenge is this.

**Write a list of the things that you hold dearest to your heart. If one of those things is something you have been neglecting then rededicate yourself and make a change**

For example:

If its God and you haven't been praying to him then take a moment a few times a day and thank him and ask for forgiveness.
If its your family and you haven't take the time to tell or show them lately that you love them, then do it! If there is someone in your family who you need to get in contact with and let go of hurt feelings, then do it!
If its your health and you have been neglecting to take care of your body, then take action to exercise or improve your eating habits.

I think you get the point. Reach down deep and don't be afraid to make changes. Life is fragile and you never know what challenges will come your way. Make changes now so you have no regrets.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Laundry Challenge

Did anyone try the laundry challenge? How did it go? Do you think its something you may continue? You may have to tweek it a bit to make it work for you, but I encourage you to keep at it a few more weeks before you see how it can change your life :) Let us in on what works for you so we can all learn from each other. Thanks!

I know some of you already had your laundry routine all figured out, high fives to you. I think my years of completing my education put me a little behind on some of these things, so please forgive me if some of these challenges are things you have already mastered in the last few years! Also, I applaud those of you who have learned to manage being a working mom and take care of your children and home~I'm not sure of how you do that! My house looked like an absolute bomb the times that I was attending classes to finish my degree, and home cooked meals were a rare finding (mostly lots of frozen foods).

Next week's challenge should be posted by tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled.

Hints: Its something I've been working on for the last few months, and when I do it my children generally get a much happier mommy and I am able to get so much more accomplished. Its something we all want and need. Finally, its something we are often deprived of as mothers~ especially mommies with very young children and teenagers :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inspired by a friend of mine :) Thanks Sarah!

Loved my friend Sarah's post today on her blog:

Inspired me to have you mommies out there give it a try~if you are brave enough: today, throw away a toy of your kids that just annoys you to no end or causes fights between your children constantly. Maybe it'll make you a little more sane :)

I want to know if any of you do this!!! Please do share.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The never ending task

This week I decided to post about something that has recently changed my life, and the flow of everything in my household. Its something that can simply control you and take over your life~ especially if you are a mommy! Its something that can drive you insane because you can never quite complete it! It seems to multiply all by itself and can become so overwhelming that it drains all your energy right out! What is it?


The dreaded word used to just make me cringe until I took a smart mom's advice and tried laundry day! I never liked the idea of taking a whole day out of my week to complete the task of laundry from start to finish, but I decided to try something new and this something new is a keeper for me. I decided on 2 days a week that would be designated as "laundry days," and those are the ONLY 2 DAYS A WEEK that I wash, dry, fold, and put away laundry! The other days I let it pile up and don't worry about washing. This doesn't mean that I can't go anywhere, but it does mean that every time I come home I have to rotate so its all gets through or it must wait until the next laundry day.

This week's challenge is to designate a day or 2 out of the week (depending on the volume of laundry and people in your home) to be "laundry day." If you already have a laundry day the the challenge this week is to try something new in your routine that others have suggested but you just haven't given it a chance. You may be surprised by what you find~ just as I was surprised to find my new love for "laundry days!"

Check her out!

If you are continuing to need some motivation for exercise and healthy eating keep up with Robynne's blog She has updated her picture to February, and it is amazing how her body has changed! I love the fun, personalized, honest tips she gives. Thanks Robynne for continuing to be honest and real with us~ we love it!

Good luck to everyone who is continuing on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. I have heard from so many of you who have been motivated by this blog. If you'd like to share your story, ask for some advice, or have an idea on a challenge please email me at and we can post if you'd like.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Meet our winner!

This is me Joanna~starting on January 17th some of us mommies began our 4 week exercise challenge. It was three fold- picture of self, adding some exercise to your life, and recording everything that went into your mouth into a food journal. This challenge changed the way I have felt about myself, the way I think about food, and its given me a renewed sense of energy as well. The quote on the right side of my blog is a new favorite of mine. Check it out if you feel that you failed at this exercise challenge or any other goals your have set for yourself!
With love, Joanna

Mid-challenge I decided to contact Subway to see if our blog could donate a prize to a person who was willing to share their story with us, and they agreed.

Subway was kind enough to donate $25 to our winner, and our winner is...........


Caroline's story was a little different than you would expect from this challenge, so I thought it would be a good one to share. Every one's lives are so different: some moms work/some are home, some have a gym pass/some do not, some have 1 child/ some have more than they can fit on one hand. I loved that Caroline shared her struggles, but didn't use that as an excuse and changed what she could. So here's her self-narrative of her 4 week challenge.

"My 4 week challenge was not what I had hoped it would be, but not a total loss either. Getting time to work out has proven near impossible.

My husband is rarely ever home to spell me from the kids (he works MINIMUM 12 hour days, usually more), I watch my grandmother with Alzheimer's/ dementia during the day so it's not like I can take grandma for a jog or have her watch the kids for 30 minutes so I can exercise. I can't afford a gym membership, and I've got a lovely hernia from having my 2 babies so I can only push my double stroller for limited amounts of time. I feel blocked at every angle.

Despite having road blocks, I did what I COULD do, which was fix my eating habits. I cut down the amount I was eating. I cut out white sugar and ended my love affair with hot chocolate. I added more salads and chose better snacks like almonds and raisins.

Even without exercising, I was still able to lose 8 lbs. over the last 4 weeks. It has shown me just how out of whack my eating was. I'm hoping to find some way that I can get exercise in, but I haven't come up with something that works yet. I'm not giving up though!"
Thanks, Caroline

Thank you to Caroline for sharing your story with us. I'm sure you have inspired many to overcome their challenges and do what they can personally to become a healthier mom for themselves and for their families.

Subway wanted me to share with all of you that their specials this month are....

Throughout the month of February, SUBWAY® restaurants will be celebrating their fourth year of the $5 FOOTLONG™ with "FebruANY"! For a limited time, customers have the opportunity to purchase ANY regular FOOTLONG™ sub for only five dollars until the end of February.

Also, check out their

Biggest Loser Workout Mix

Get your heart pumping by downloading a free workout mix from The Biggest Loser and SUBWAY! A perfect way to help start the day right. '

Thank you to SUBWAY for your donation!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Get Organized Challenge

Organization with children is just a constant struggle, right? It seems like just to keep the house basically picked up is a challenge, so those drawers and closets that drive me crazy just hardly ever get touched. When I walk into that closet or open that drawer I just feel out of control and so bothered.

Your home should be your favorite place in the world. But if your castle is starting to get you down because of the clutter and chaos, it is time to do something about it. Organizing your home can bring about a level of peace and tranquility.

When I find the time to organize a space it makes me feel so much more in control and able to handle the day to day things that come along. This weeks challenge is to organize one drawer, closet, shelf, or area that has been bothering you. Find that space that just drives you absolutely nuts and take control! If you don't have a lot of time then take on something small (like a small junk drawer, medicine cabinet, or even just the front of the refrigerator). If you have an entire afternoon then take on a bigger project like a closet, kid toy box, or your bathroom cabinets.

There are lots of resources online for organization tips. My personal tips are~ if you haven't used it in more than a year than toss it! My house is little, so I have to dejunk really often. I've finally learned to throw out or donate those things I'm not in need of any longer. There are lots of thrift stores and donation centers that will gladly take your usable items off your hands.

Good luck mamas!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good and the Bad

Why does it have to be so dang fun to hang out with friends and bake and eat treats? Yesterday I had a friend over and we made some delicious cinnamon rolls. Luckily I sent half of them home with her, but man those things were too good to pass on! I only sat down and ate one, but between all the little tastes here and there of pure goodness sitting on my counter I probably ate 3 of those yummy suckers! They are usually a once a year splurge, but she wanted to learn how to make them ever since I brought them to her at Christmas time, so I made an exception to my once a year rule.

Treats are my downfall for sure! I have learned that the easiest way for me to deal with treats is to avoid them completely~once I have a taste I have a hard time stopping at just 1, or maybe 2, or possibly 3! Why does the unhealthy stuff have to taste so dang good? Why can't a cinnamon roll be the recommended breakfast instead of oatmeal?

What's your favorite "healthy" treat that tastes too good to be considered "healthy," but it really is?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Healthier desserts, drinks, and salads

A friend of mine posted these on her blog, so I thought I'd share the link It has some yummy looking salad dressings that would help reduce calories on the worst part of a salad, and some smoothie recipes that look a lot healthier than the heaps of juice and sherbet that I put in my smoothies :)

Enjoy~Let me know what you think!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Subway Giftcard Giveaway

Ok ladies, listen up! We are 3 weeks into the Shed 5 fast exercise challenge with 1 final week. I'm hoping there are some of you that have stuck to it and can share your story and possibly pictures with us.

Subway has agreed to donate a $25 gift card to the winner of this challenge. The winner will be determined by the story you can tell us of both the struggles and successes of your 4 weeks of doing the challenge, and not necessarily by the amount of weight you lost.

Start getting your stories together and please send them over by the last day of our challenge: Monday, Feb 14 aka Valentine's Day. They don't need to be lengthy. Hopefully you are looking and feeling a lot hotter than you did day 1 of the challenge! Looking forward to reading each of your individual stories. The winning story will be posted on our blog by the end of next week. Please send them to Thanks!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

When Mom Ain't Happy....


The popular quote, "when mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" is so true!!! The mother most definitely sets the mood in her home! Raising children is a huge challenge, and at times I am so frustrated that I could just scream (in fact, I have at times). These are the times I wish I was just a kid again and could just throw a huge fit of kicking, screaming, throwing things, or just going and locking myself in a room for hours on end.
The hard thing is that as mothers we have to push on through the difficult moments and make things happen. Over the years I know my demeanor and attitude has changed so much for the positive. I used to just feel the anger inside of me bubbling, but somehow I have learned how to take control of it. I'm hoping I'm not the only one who's been in that place before. Mommies out there, am I alone?

This week as I took on the positive thinking challenge. I found a peaceful place inside of me that I was able to find even in times of utter chaos, which mostly came around homework/cooking dinner~ then again at shower/bedtime. It felt so good to take control of my thoughts and attitude and turn them toward the positive. During homework I had to remind myself how blessed I was to be home with the kids. At bedtime I reminded myself that I should be grateful for these moments with the children reading, teaching, and praying with them, for they will be grown up before long and will not want to sit on my lap and read with me or kiss/hug me goodnight. I held them a little longer, told them I loved them even more than normal, and I could tell they felt the difference.

I know challenging times will come up, and I will want to scream, yell, stomp out of the room, etc..., but I am going to try to stay as positive as possible and continue to strive to make my home a place of peace.

How did you feel after taking on this positive thinking challenge? Did it change the feeling in your home? Were their certain times of the day that challenged you the most? How did you change your negative into a positive? Please share ideas, I think we would all appreciate :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inspirational Story

My friend Robynne gave me permission to share her inspirational story along with her pictures on this blog in hopes of inspiring us mommies in what health/weight loss struggles we are going through.

Last July, 4 months after having her first baby she was size 18, 219 lbs, 5'10 in the left pictures, and she is now size 8, 167lbs! She lost 52 pounds in 6 months!!! She will tell you that she did not lose this weight by miraculous pills, gym memberships, expensive diets or trainers. She did work out videos, ran, ate less, and rewarded herself for small and large accomplishments. Her journey has not been easy, but it has been worth it!!! Check it out!!!

Recently Robynne rewarded herself with her cute new do that I think just looks so good on her with her hot new bod!!! For more information on Robynne's story check out her blog

May we continue to inspire one another and reach our goals. Remember, you can do it!!!! If you would like to share your story please let me know. We all should have taken pictures 3 weeks ago-you ready to show off your progress? 1 more week of the exercise challenge to go. If you've been struggling just start next week off right and continue to do better each day.

Thanks so much Robynne for sharing and inspiring :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This morning when I was doing a Body Pump class at the gym I realized that my body is changing! I can now do the full bicep track, which I could originally only get like 1/2 through when I first started. I also made it through the abs plank track, which consists of balancing on my toes and elbows while alternating reaching my arms out to the side and back in. I can't say it was easy yet, but I did make it through!

I also noticed today when I slipped on a pair of my more fitted pants that they aren't so fitted anymore- in fact by the end of the day I was having to pull them up cuz they were saggin!

I'm still a little in shock, and I cannot believe that 2 1/2 weeks of exercising and making small changes to my diet is working!!!

Stronger, more energized, happier, and much more fun if I can say so myself :) I'm hoping I'm not the only one. How are you'll doing? Any luck in your fitness goals? If not, what's holding you back?